Ahhh a very good question.After my post from yesterday I got as few questions,so here's a few answers.
Only a few short months ago if someone asked to see my fuzzy schlegel I would have popped them one right in the kisser!
In my last post I made reference to receiving my fuzzy schlegel...just for the record this is my second shipment....the first came from an airstream supply company I foolishly thought..."ehhh that's close enough!" when I looked at the measurements. Foolish rookie mistake...by the way if anyone is looking for schlegel for an airstream trailer... I have a line on some,below cost, cheap cheap just for you.
But alas...it is late and I am drifting off topic.
What is Fuzzy(or commonly refered to simply as) schlegel?
It is the flexible fibrous window channel seal that creates a air seal on the sliding component of a sliding window!!

Nylon encases a series of aluminum "U" shaped pieces that provide rigidity with an interior layer of fibers. The fiber "fingers" allow for both the movement of the window and the stoppage of air and water flow into the vehicle.

Today was a slow bus day, but a great day for other achievements. The day started off with the family going to the travel clinic to get our Hep"A+B" shots up to date, typhoid, tetanus, Dukorol vaccine...etc etc in prep for the Guatemala and Mexico trip.
The afternoon was bus support work. I recently did some work for a patient who then in turn got me a screaming deal on a MIG welder....which then meant I needed to get a 220 service into my garage. Thankfully I know one kick ass electrician.

My friend Rob came out with a panel, and lots of wire, we drilled some holes bidda-bang batta-boom One sub panel in the garage with a 220 and 110 service. I am ready to create havoc!