The time has flown by, and yet it feels like forever since I have worked on the bus. For those of you who have been following, Guatemala was another great experience, we worked harder than last time and saw so many people who needed our help....and yet we left so much undone. I have to keep reminding myself that we can't fix everything, what we do seems like a drop in the bucket...but every drop helps.
Hmmm, nice segway into there is so much to do for Fillmore too!
I was able to get a little bit done here and there, I came back from Guate and immediately went into show chairman mode for the concerts we put on the following weekend. By the Sunday of the show weekend I was
done, exhausted....but I managed to drag my arse out off bed and do a little work on the shelter. It was now mid November and lucky as we were I knew winter was coming, and soon!
Ha! A little sooner than I thought. I built a end wall for the shelter, partly for roof load support and partly because I want to enclose the ends. Soon enough the snow fell, about 8-10 inches in the first go around.
Although there are a billion jobs to do, I decided to pick one and try and stay focused on it to completion. Not so surprising I find myself looking at a bunch of jobs that I have started and not completed because I get side tracked by something else, another small job that will
"just take a second"
The job at hand today, amid the school bake sale, the dance lessons, play dates, meals dishes and laundry (Michelle is in Winnipeg) was to build the rear wall separating living area from engine room. Yesterday before the Daddy-Daughter date of dinner and the hockey game (yay Flames won 7-2) I was able to do a little welding, getting the vertical supports ready for the rear wall.