I bet you thought I forgot about Fillmore? No, no, life just gets busy sometimes. My obsessive personality needs to be forced to take a break. If left to my own devices and there were no negative repercussions, I would likely find myself out in the bus each and every day for as long as I could manage. But alas, the need to put food on the table, wine in my glass, and shoes on my wife's feet (why they have to be patent leather from Arnold Churgin I'll never know) these meek and mild reasons keep me on the path of harmony and balance.(now would be the appropriate time to sit in the lotus position and humm..."Ohmmmmmmmmmm")
So, where were we?
Ahh yes, the unbalanced lever arm. Well after many pieces of paper and blowing the dust off my rudimentary geometry skills. I finally came up with a design for my transmission linkage cable unbalanced lever arm to equalize the travel difference between the linkage cable and the drivers shifter. At the time of my last post....as I was typing up the blog and looking at the pictures explaining the challenge to Michelle. Somewhere in the conversation I said "I just have to make the forward lever." Implicating that there was already another lever, which of course there is, the actual transmission shifter lever.
Sometimes in a married couple there is communication on different levels. I'm not talking about verbal communication where my wife says one thing to me but means something entirely different and I should know what she means.....that kind of communication I am hopeless at. I think most men are, or at least that is the defense I have when I totally blow our cover as to why we couldn't make the neighbors dinner invite.
No I am talking about the eyeball to eyeball communication. You know when you go on and on to your wife about how you have to create a very elaborate uneven lever arm for the transmission linkage cable as to equalize the amount of travel between the two moving parts....
And then she gives me the look. You know the one I'm talking about, the one that says "You sir have had waaaay to much coffee and now you are making a mountain out of a mole hill. Why not change the other lever arm, and call it a day?"
Ehhhh crap, I hate it when she does that.
Yes despite my fancy pants designs, it's once again time to employ the KISS rule. All I have to do is reposition the cable on the shifter arm closer to the pivot and boom we're done. The biggest challenge was drilling this sucker. I have no idea what this is made from, same stuff the make samurai swords out of I think, but I couldn't drill it on my drill press. So I removed it, had my local machine shop drill me a very expensive 5/16" hole, and then put it back on and torqued 'er down. Done! Easy peasy!
Now on to the front, I have to make a support for the bar that comes from the shifter and attaches to the cable. I quietly kindnapped a cutting board from the kitchen to create a durable non stick surface for the shaft to rest and slide on.
Create a bracket for the shifter shaft.
A little test fit, looks good! But I'm not happy with the support piece, it needs to be bigger. I used
1 1/2" square tube lined with cutting board, but I need something larger
So I simply moved to 2" square and 'tweeked' the design.
Here we are! I had to pant it green. Why? Aside from this was the only other choice from that pink/purple primer color I needed it to pop! Although you'll never see it, it is going to be under the floor.