Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Primed for Progress

I love what I do. I am grateful and so happy that I am one of the seemingly few who enjoys what he does for a living. Don't get me wrong if I won lotto 6/49 I'm sure I would be singing a different tune, but for now if I need to work then I am thankful that I enjoy my work.
Now, having said all of that I am finding it tremendously difficult not to feel pangs of  self pity that I cannot be actively working on Fillmore during perhaps one of the most visibly transformational stages. As I alluded to earlier, Fillmore has been sanded,masked and now sits ready for primer.
Instead of playing at the body shop, I trudge on to the salt mines and eagerly await an email from Dale at PET Autobody.

The cockpit, the helm, the bridge, whatever moniker tickles your fancy was cleaned up and a coat of grey epoxy primer was applied.

I so wish I could be there, if not to help, then just to watch!!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Loss of a son

I have been having trouble finding the appropriate words today. I started this blog with feelings of happiness and excitement. I received some pictures from Dale at PET Autobody where Fillmore is getting his face lift. They have masked out some of the interior getting ready for painting the dash and sash and I was thinking along the lines of a lone ranger theme, a "Who was that masked man?".
Given the events of the last 36 hours, it seemed inappropriate to celebrate the appearance of a masked avenger.
My heart goes out to the family of Cpl. Nathan Cirillo who lost his life while guarding Canada's war memorial.  A tragic and senseless loss at the hands of one of our own...
(Bruce MacKinnon/Halifax Chronicle Herald)

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Ever had that recurring dream where you show up at work/school/ the mall and set about to going through the usual motions of the start of your day. But as you move along everyone seems to be staring at you, you then discover that you are wearing no pants....standing there in your "transformers" underwear?..........anyone?.....anyone?......no?....just me then I guess....(uuhhhgh!)

Well Fillmore is in the process of bearing his privates in public. Chrome is off- light bezels, bumpers, mirrors, windows. And now he's just standing there naked!
I went down to PET auto body for some Fillmore time. Knowing that not a lot had been accomplished yet, but we are slowly moving forward. I know full well that my project get shuffled to the back of the line when big clients come in needing something done ASAP. I knew that going in and I am OK with that as long as he's not sitting outside. I figure as long as he is eating up real estate in the shop there will be motivation to keep moving forward on him.
So Dale and I took the opportunity to play with some lines for the paint graphic. These are NOT permanent lines but rather basic ideas of where I want things to go.

So we played for a while placing the lines where we thought they should go......subject to change of course.

There is a long way to go before we are ready to start laying down paint, but it's nice to play in the shop, where is big and open and clean and warm!

Oh No! Not again!!

You may remember this time last year I found a  wee problem I had been checking things out and found a significant break in my flywheel hous...