So last Friday when I had an appointment in Calgary at Polar Mobility to look over the cooling options for Fillmore I knew better than to say to myself...." Man this trip is going smooth as silk!"
Because there is nothing that makes you slide right off the bed of life faster than jumping onto silk sheets in silk pajamas.
I had literally just uttered the dreaded statement when Mr. Policeman hopped out onto the road and waved me over. I was 16 kms/hr over the speed limit. Guilty as charged, I knew better, but I was cruisin'!. Perhaps next time I'll keep my cruisin' to the highways and stay behaved on the major thoroughfares of the city.
Speaking of being cool, or trying to stay cool....
As I was at Polar discussing the options for A/C, we were looking at the air chute, and decided to run the engine to see the fans in action. Chris leaned in and said "huh!, that motor sounds a little iffy" referring to one of the electric fans pulling air down the chute. Truth be told I was a little concerned myself, there is usually a bit of a wind coming off those things and I could barely feel a breeze. guessed it. On the drive home I noticed my heat was starting to rise a bit...not bad...but it just wasn't responding the way it usually does when the fans kick on.
Sure enough, I stopped for a peak and when I opened the engine bay door my heart sank. The big fan was not running.After saying a few colorful expressions of amazement at what I thought was a repeat of last voyage I shlept my way around Fillmore to the rear drivers side and shimmied underneath.
My fear was what I may not see...the hydraulic filter...but to my delight it was there and fine. The Hydraulic oil levels were healthy too. So it must be electrical!
After a quick consult of my fuse location legend (Thank you Mr. Kruse) I quickly found the coolant fan circuit and lo and behold it was blown
When I got home a little more investigation found that the Fan motor that sounded "iffy" had surely seized. So time to pull the pair out and replace them both with new ones with some serious CFM
Perhaps I could live in fear of bad things happening, but lets face it bad things happen all the time. It's how you handle bumps in the road that defines you. The way I look at it, every time Fillmore throws me a curve ball I get better. So I throw caution to the wind and say "Hmmpfh! that repair wasn't so bad!"