The last few weeks have been on holiday shut down from a Fillmore standpoint, but work continues.Plans have been set in motion over a year ago I would say on a personal modification to Fillmore. Personal in the sense that it is something that I see in my minds eye, my vision if you will, of the finished Fillmore. I know for some out there in the Flx world what I am about to say will be blasphemy, but it is my vision. I had seen them on the old split window westfalia vans.

Yes the roof top carrier. There are a few reasons, first and foremost I love the look, second and more practical....there isn't a lot of storage apace in a Clipper, and with teenagers and bikes and such....we need all we can get. So while there has been progress on Fillmore at home, there has also been progress for Fillmore abroad. A well known fabricator and wiz bang problem solver in the Flxible community is a Gent by the name of George in Texas, with Track master fabricators. George, for many years, has been kind enough to help me out and give me advice and guidance with Fillmore. I looked high and low for a local company to help me out with the fabrication of the roof top platform and the ladder and rails but when push came to shove there wasn't anyone that I felt comfortable with, someone I could trust to care as much as I do.
So once again I reached out to George and he took up the challenge. A natural fit really George has a flxible of his own
"the zephyr" so he knows his way around these puppies.
Finding parts and fabricating others was our first challenge
George and his crew performed magic in the welding of the SS tube rails
This is what it looks like, the decking material will be on my end
Meanwhile I have been getting some local help with the fabrication of the SS battery box
Of course, there is going to be some need for some specail tools to install said roof top platform...