For myself personally, I find a discreet nose piercing tremendously attractive. For me the placement and size of the adornment is critical to pleasing the eye. I fully acknowledge that there are many factors that influence piercings and the associated jewelry that is worn, religious and culture being on the forefront. But in reality, in our society the placement and type of hardware is, for the most part, a personal decision.

Should it be placed on the right? On the left? Should it be a stud? a hoop?
What works for one, will not work for another. The issue is....there is no going back. Once it's there....it's there. So you should make sure you do your homework. Do a little test drive and try stuff on.
I am at the point of locating where the water supply will go. I have an racing style pop open fuel cap. It's very cool with a spring loaded door and is...in my opinion....awesome. With a few minor mods I can fabricate it into a water supply inlet. But where to put it?.....
So I took it for a visual test drive. I looked at a number of locations but these were the top two based on location and ease on the eyes.
Truth be known it looks like it will be a compromise between the two of these locations(see red dot)
But I haven't cut a hole yet......