Michelle is a very patient woman. Id like to think that I am worth effort required to have the restraint to live with me and not be charged with assault and battery. But every now and again as I look back at a series of decisions/actions I have done....I marvel at how lucky I am not to have dishes hurled at my head or wake up with a sock stuffed in my mouth and a pillow over my face. She is a good soul.
I pride myself on my keen ability to read peoples moods, so you can imagine at my dismay when, after she returned into the room to find me gluing and clamping the for mentioned wood on the kitchen counter I realized I had read things wrong. As I was excitingly explaining to her what I was doing and how I had done it, perhaps boasting a little of my ingenuity, the flush rising in her neck and into her cheeks like mercury in a thermometer was a dead give away that the "Awe" of awe and wonder was mistook.....it was really "incredulous wonder"

So before she started vibrating and pushing steam out her ears, I quickly and efficiently relocated to the shop area for the final touches.
Once the wood had cooled and the glue had set, I layered on the flooring to the kick plate......making the wise decision to do it in the safety of the shop.Feathering the back edge of one of the pieces to allow for the smooth union of adjoining pieces was a install touch that needed to happen.
In the end we came out with a clean continuous look that will be durable and smart looking......and no one died....