To put it in the easiest way, classic outside modern inside. Not a real earth shattering revelation I know. That basically encompasses almost everyone's wishes when restoring and converting a classic Flxible. Below is a picture from the movie RV. The paint job is a fairly typical paint design from the 40's for flxible buses. The roof "patio" is a cool idea. We are in consultation around our house in regards to colours for the well as a name. So far Jeff likes orange&green, Anna is blue(powder blue: don't kid yourself) and Michelle is a firm "not rust". Me?....I'm partial to red and white....I mean we are in Stampeder/Flames country.

As for a name?......Well I was always thinking a rebirth of the Sinclair camper from the 70's
Then put a 1940's era pin up girl image on the back of the bus.......
......Michelle put her 'VETO' on that one

Hmphf! I kinda liked it!
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