Tricky part is that she's fairly low to the turf! This is no back country rig. So to get ample room to clean off the slack adjusters we had to back her up onto make shift ramps/blocks. Michelle if your reading this it was WAY safer than it looks.
As you know from the last post, she didn't cut the mustard on the inspection, not a surprise but now I know exactly what I need to do to get her up and running. In the meantime I continue to poke away at the interior. I won't be ready for the next step until I get her down to the bare bones.
Pulling the wall panels and the insulation...after shes' been sitting in a barn for 10 can just imagine the evidence of previous inhabitants
Speaking of insulation, there are two layers in the bus. The first is a fiberglass insulation, under that is 1940's style......cardboard
One side(passenger) done next is the drivers side, then on to the ceiling!
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