Last Sunday two well educated men, both practically and academically, decide to remove the tie rod ends on the ol' girl. First order of business, remove the tires....simple right?
Passenger side....piece of cake
Drivers side?....Impact wrench seems to do very little, the nuts seem to turn about 1/8 of a turn and then stop. I break a breaker bar trying to get the nuts to release.
So yesterday I decide to go big. I spent a day during the week returning the (obviously defective!:) breaker bar, get the biggest ratchet I have ever seen. When I try it out....nothing.
So....time to use the book smarts and create leverage.....large pry bar, pipe clamps....
And?....nothing....just about break everything again.
As I sit there getting frostbite and reciting every swear word I know in a repetitive mantra. I spot this on the nut.
Yes it says "L".... the passenger side on inspection, says"R". Why would they be stamped- unless they are different- you guessed it, it is reverse threaded. Street smarts are better defined as "experience". I just got a shot of that.
She looks so cold...
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