Clip the rivet shaft
Leaving you with a small rough "nub" on the rivet head.
Then apply the rivet head shaver!!
And Voila!!
The end result is a smooth, shiny rivet that looks and feels like a solid head rivet!
As we were working on the rivets, Jeff said..."Dad I hear thunder". I of course replied 'naw Jeffie that's just a truck going by'.....but no my little helper with attention to details (he was actually listening to the news and weather report playing on the radio way over in the garage). So I paused and sure enough, dark clouds to the west....and I had nothing but tools all over. Quickly we tore down and packed up. Getting inside the garage just in time before it started coming down.....the snow!...that's right not rain but snow!!(you can't see it in the pic all that well but trust me it was coming down!)
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