I knew that there were going to be times where weather, family commitments, work....in general life, would impede the bus progress. I just have to keep chanting slow and steady slow and steady.But it's hard!! I want to get out there and make sparks fly and rebuild and....stuff!!
But alas....last week my quartet,Timelines, had a gig in Regina. It was a great weekend the Regina barbershop chapter treated us very well, we had two great shows.
I was a bit in the dog house as I had to leave on Michelle's birthday and return on Mothers' day.
(still payin' for that move)
This coming weekend I am off to Edmonton for a competition....defending the title....wish us luck!
Anyway, in all of my self wallowing and moping about not being able to work on the ol' girl, there are always examples of rigs that are far less fortunate. This was one that was for sale in North Dakota....for $500....at that price I can only imagine...yet I was interested in salvaging a few things off her myself.
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