Sunday, July 18, 2010

Just like a day at the beach!

Today was a late start for me, an early morning trip into the city to see an emergency patient, then off to my nephews 1st birthday bash, a training run in with my running buddy(then a delicious dinner at his place)....and THEN some bus time. Needless to say not allot got done but every little bit helps.
Yesterday I told you about my trip to do some sandblasting. Well the good news you already know it was a great success.... the bad news is that sandblasting leaves a little clean up job after.

So with my trusty companions(after a walk of course) we set out for clean up. Dust, sand, more dust, more sand, bits and pieces of cardboard insulation (and I thought I had removed all of it) from god knows where...

The result of sandblasting the bus is kind of like your first time at a nude beach. It's a great're glad you did it...truth be known you'd likely do it again...but in your rookie enthusiasm you neglected to take the proper precautions to ensure that sand doesn't get everywhere...and it did. In both circumstances.

Yesterday I took out and swept out what I thought was most of the sand....wrong. This stuff just kept coming and coming.

Eventually...I got rid of, well...most of the sand. Then I got to paint. The plan was to paint the interior window well surface in preparation of the eventual insulation and reassembly of the window wells.
Although not finished yet this is phase 1 above is the before...below is the after

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