The Mechanic's truck.
Yes, there must have been some communication breakdown. A few weeks ago I had to cancel on him. Then we couldn't make schedules work for 3 weeks. The big day came....and nothin'
Alone....sniff sniff. Feel sorry for me yet? Well don't I still did a whack of work and had a great time doing it!

Jeff was busy making a sign for the bus is the buses name.
Yes at long last the bus has a name!
BUT I won't let that secret out quite yet. It's not a state secret but I kinda want to have a post all to itself for that.

I spent the morning FINALLY tearing out the drivers side flooring in the engine bay. Allowed me better access to the air tanks and to work in the rear.
In the afternoon I decided to take the plunge. I waited around hoping John was at home treating this like a golf course and waiting out the frost delay. But to no avail, John was not coming.
So I decided to do the dry fit by myself. First order of business....can one guy move a ton of engine and tranny??
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