Sunday, December 18, 2011

Time, money and perspective

There is no doubt, in our society the under radar personal currency is time.
How many times have we heard "Time is Money!"
Or "Time is of the essence." Each and every one of us has  just wanted a little more time!

This past week I have managed to squeak out a little time here and there to work on Fillmore. At night after dinner, after the kids are in bed....I sneak out to the garage to do a little work. In a previous post I told you about getting the isolation mounts for the rad fan. Well I finally had time to try them on for size.

I knew when ordering them they weren't a perfect fit they would be too tall. I also knew I had an inkling about how I could fabricate a collar that would remedy that problem, all I needed was a little time.
So before it would get to late so the noise would disturb the neighbours or our sleeping kids, I managed to cut some 1.5" pipe and 1/2" washer. A simple centering and weld...
Then the dry fit!....and it all looks good.
Once again, because now is an easy time to do it. I took everything apart and used my favorite rust I even need to say the product name anymore?....I'm holding off for endorsement royalties from the company I've been touting them so much!
Sunday actually brought some time to myself for a few hours, unfortunately most of it was spent trying to find tools that had got hidden when I leaned a sheet of plywood up to "clean up" the shelter. Only after a huge tear down did I find what I needed....I frustrate myself sometimes...
Anyway as the afternoon progressed, I was mid way through a weld when my parents called. As many of you know my Dad is battling cancer, and he is never far from my mind. After I got off the phone with him, I was lamenting to myself about wishing I had more time, not for Fillmore, not for me, but for him. I can't change the path that I chose to strike out on our own, moving so far from family, nor do I regret the decision, but...
At this point my son, my Jeff walked up to me dressed in all his winter garb with cheeks rosy red, and said
 " Dad would you help me build a snow fort?"

What I heard was "Dad, will you spend time with me?"

That's all any of us really want, time.
Best way to spend your time.

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