This past week was a busy week, we had lots of activity at the Sinclair household. Our old stomping grounds, Manitoba, had their spring break. So like so many flatlanders, there is a little spring fever for some last chance snow in the mountains, one more hit of the good stuff. As a kid some of the fondest memories I have are the family ski trips out to the rockies. I look back at all those trips with a smile, even when there was like a dozen of us crammed into a small Acadian it was still fun!
OK we didn't all cram into an Acadian...just Harold's family, but there was 9 of us in in McIvor's van once with a Burton Cummings tape stuck in the radio that played over and over and over. THAT made the car seem small let me tell you!
So we were fortunate enough to host two Families for a few nights. The Smiths and the Ketlers.
Naturally as any good host, I welcomed them with open arms, fed them a good meal, gave them a nice bed to sleep in.
And then slapped coveralls on them and put them to work in the Fillmore sweatshop.
Figuratively, I mean yes I am a slave driver but the temp was quite pleasant, a mere 3 degrees C....there was no sweat.
My childhood buddy Harold was given the task of heat shield for the muffler. The wires from the battery to the starter and alternator, and the frame ground all run over top of the muffler. We decided to pull the boom can out and place a heat shield above it to deflect heat. As well I am wrapping all the wires in a firesleeve.
Trevor, the Manitoba secret agent guy was given a much less glamorous job than what he is used to back home.
Once again, working on the heater cores at the front. Trev ran hose from the second core, spliced them together and then ran bulkhead fittings through the floor to Fillmore's underbelly.
I must tip my hat to all the ladies in our lives. Knowing the joy shared by us all to putter around on Fillmore together , they packed up the brood and went for an afternoon of skiing, allowing us to work away the day. The boys did their families proud, a lot was accomplished....
Despite the civil servant mentality of a lunch break....all right get back to it!
At days end Harold had done as much as he could with the heat shield. We had to wait for the firesleeve before we could re install the muffler. So he moved on to the removable panels for the engine compartment.
Trev got the front up and running, and ten moved on to creating a template for the drivers area floor.
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