Saturday, May 19, 2012

Having a blast

 Sometimes all you need is an excuse. An excuse to make you step forward and do what your mind is screaming at you to do anyway. You know like when you're walking down the street and you see a piece of garbage. At first you don't even register it, then your brain says "Hey, that's a piece of litter.....we should pick that up!" Then the good ol' battle between good and evil takes know the one where two little effigies of you show up in what looks like they are en route to a costume party...and all you can think of is "Mental note NEVER wear red tights".
Wait, that's not just me is it?.....awkward!...Anyway, my point is that I looked at a picture of the rear engine door and thought....ahhh Crippity....I need to take that all apart and clean that up. But Frankly every time I thought I should do it, there were a hundred other things that I rationalized took a higher priority.

 So when Jeff said that he wanted to strip the paint off his old "trick bike" and repaint....I grabbed at the opportunity to say yes and suggested the self serve sandblasting place in Calgary. I figured if I'm going to be doing this for Jeff then I might as well clean up the door as well. So....
 First order of business was taking the door off....not and easy feat when by yourself, and I was a wee bit nervous about removing the bolts....they were original and all I could think of was what the He77 I would do if I sheared a bolt in the door.
 But alas, it all worked out.
 We sand blasted the pieces, sadly I didn't get a pic of Jeff's bike sandblasted, when we got home he had that thing on the paint table before I could say.."Wear paint clothes or your Mom will kill me" (disclaimer in case Michelle is reading this)
I wasn't far be hind Jeff, things look pretty sharp!

And Jeff's bike looks like the rock group "Glass Tiger" from the 80's..

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