Sunday, September 15, 2013

Conjucal visit

 Last week I was  "That guy". Fillmore was in the shop waiting for his day in court, his judgement day. Frankly it was supposed to be done last week but life gets in the way for more people in the world than just me. David from the shop, was supposed to be at work last week, but things happened and he was gone so Fillmore sat in lock up, solitary confinement really. I spent the week calling the shop every day and not getting the answers I was looking for.
 In the meantime I played. I did some experiments with insulation, bonding the insulation in, different types etc. etc.

I made, yes..., a template for some rigid foam for the window wells. Then I simply used some 2" scrap pieces I had lying around in my shop for the past 12 years just waiting for the right time to be used. Not bad! I like it!

I also have some special insulation I plan on using in the roof, an  insulation from Pacor/ Aspen Aerogel called Spaceloft. It's basically quite thin(1")with exceptional thermal and acoustic insulating properties.

But of course I am trying to figure out the best adhesive for holding it all in place, being that Fillmore is in lock up....I might as well have my own little 'consumers reports' test.

As the week came to a close I decided on Friday to stop by their shop [after I had a day of an extremely riveting and super interesting lecture on sleep prosthodontics.....(insert sarcastic harrumph)]. I found that Fillmore had been set aside but the promise was that he would be first on the docket monday morning. I negotiated a weekend pass, a conjucal visit per say. I was able to break Fillmore out with the promise that we would be back for Monday morning.
 Sat. morning was me, my coffee, two home made breakfast sandwiches and CBC radio. I hate to start making noise before 9 am so it turns out to be a fantastic quiet time to sit and think about what will happen today!
 The day turned out to be a day of little jobs. Not so little in what has to be done but, little details that I have been looking at for...years! saying "oh ya, I'll get at that soon." Today was the day.
 I needed to remove the front wheel to get at a little finishing detail in the front passenger body panel in front of the wheel well.

 A little Bragg Creek Nip and tuck!

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