Friday, October 4, 2013

It's the little things that get 'cha

On a project this big sometimes you forget. You see something that needs attention and you say to yourself.."That's important...I will have to work on that!" But as I have said many times before....there are 1000's of little jobs to do, so you have to compartmentalize and prioritize. For years now I have said to myself "don't sweat the small stuff, you'll get to it when the time is right."
Well my friends the time is right, as Fillmore is facing the final (legal) hurdle of the OoPSI it is the little things that have the biggest influence. Something as small as a open rivet hole can fail the test. So it's time to get to the little things, crank up the ol' tunes and sweat the small stuff......wait that sounds a lot like.......
OK, OK relax just a bad  stream of consciousness, on to Fillmore progress.
One of the jobs was the completion of the engine room floor. A relatively simple job that I have said..."Oh ya that will take me just a half hour"- famous last words. I began with cutting my 1" angle iron and tack welding the pieces to create my floor frame.
Jeff was, as he often is, on hand to help the wheels stay in motion.
Simple enough, and the test fit looks good...

I had to share, my window screens arrived from the US recently. I had them shipped to Chris, he in turn sent them up to me. I plan to take them to my chrome guy....just to see if it is a possibility. 

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