Sunday, January 12, 2014

A place to set and gather your thoughts.

 A quote from a play I was once in. The quote was said by Marcellus Washburn, in Merideth Wilson's "The Music Man" I do believe played by my good friend Darren. The quote seems to sum it up. Randy came out for a day of Fillmore and we set to getting some exciting stuff done. Randy was tasked with creating some building blocks, very rough mock pieces that mimic the size of some of the components of the interior. Nothing like the mock ups done by Paradise coach for Ben Willmore's  Creative Cruiser , but this isn't going to be my full time home either.

As Randy puttered away with the wood, I continued to grind and weld. I continued to work on the couch mounts.

The old adage measure 16 times weld once is a good one!
 Once the mounting Brackets were fabricated it was time to place the couch into position.

The placement to allow for the couch to fold down into a bed required us to leave a bit of a space behind the couch. I have an idea of how we can use the space effectively for blankets and bedding.

At days end we have a few counter tops in place, and the pillars for the bathroom position. Next will be the mock up for the fridge and bench/bed in the back. Once they are in place we can "shuffle" the pieces around to best use the space where we need it the most.
Last fall my mom had a close call, a heart attack. We were lucky and her stubbornness was her greatest gift this time. She managed to pull through none worse for the wear, perhaps when it's all said and done she's better for it. Better lifestyle better choices which often happens when one faces a near miss. Anyway she was finally well enough to travel so she came for a visit. Saturday was a beautiful day of +5C and  I managed to get her up into Fillmore. Mom got the first ride on the properly mounted and stable couch that won't tip off it's temporary legs during the journey.....sorry Sharon/Leslie/Verna!!

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