Thursday, May 1, 2014

The lost art

Technology is awesome, it's truly amazing. Now I don't claim to understand it all, nor do I have it all. But the possibilities out there are truly mind boggling. I can unlock my car doors with an app from my phone. There is technology out there to control lights and heat in your house while in a remote location, remote surgery, remote access to anything. How many times do we whip out an iPhone and say " Lets consult the oracle!"? With the risk of sounding old, at least to my kids, I can actually say..."remember when we had to go to the library to look things up?" or not sure if you should answer the phone on an afternoon that you skipped school because there was no caller id?.....I actually remember being crowded around a computer in our university computer lab while someone 'showed us' the internet.
But.......and there is always a but, to what cost? Three times this week I was reminded of the loss of personal touch, first I received a letter from my aunt Julia, via snail mail. She sent a get well card, followed up by an anniversary card a few days latter. It gives you pleasure to get a piece of physical mail, to feel important enough for someone to spend the time and foresight to get a card then sit down and write you a letter. The second was much the same story, a friend of mine George, sent me a small parcel with a book of poetry, wonderful stuff. I'm not a professed literary giant but I like to explore, and if not for George keeping the art alive I'm not sure I would have taken the time and effort to get a book of poetry, I likely would have fallen in to the easy entertainment and said "ehh, I'll just watch another episode of Breaking Bad"
The third and final example was when Brad returned from Guatemala, the trip that I was supposed to accompany him on with my nephew Riley and my assistant Leanne. While he was there Brad commissioned a piece of art, a carving from Rosewood to help me stay motivated to get better and then get moving on Fillmore.

It touched my heart to be important enough to any to warrant the effort, but to be important enough to all three makes me burst with gratitude, and makes me think in today's world we need to take the time to reach out to people and let them know how important they are. Something that seems to have been lost in the age of gadgets. 
The personal touch seems to be a lost art worth finding

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