Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Living in the Calgary area there have been many times where I give thanks to the amount of skills and services available to me during my rebuild process with Fillmore. Yet there are times where i struggle to find some of the simplest things. Take for example PVC fittings for my water system. Now I know that they are there, somewhere. I am sure that I just haven't found the correct store, or the right person who will take the time to tell me where I can find what I am looking for. 
As I stated last blog entry I am away from Fillmore for the next few weeks, I travelled from the booming oil and gas hustle and bustle of Calgary where if you can't find what you need they can get it and ship it faster than you can pull out your wallet, to a small seasonally sleepy community of Onanole Manitoba. A place where the hardware store is also the liquor store and the butcher shop. A place that is busy and bustling in the summer and quiet almost deserted in the winter.
You can imagine my surprise when I went into the hardware store to get a couple of beach towels and a bottle of red wine that I turned the corner to find the tank fittings I have been searching for(unsuccessfully) in Calgary for the past month. Seriously???

So I bought the bunch......I love small towns.
And yes the red was delicious!!

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