With all the measuring tapes,rulers, callipers you name it you'd think that we could find something a little more accurate than the shank of a drill bit. When I questioned Shawn as to whether he would like one of the other many measuring inventions known to my tool box, he just barked and grumbled something about he didn't need any fancy pants pieces of technology to do what anyone should be able to do with some bailing wire and the blood from your finger. I'm pretty sure he threw the term 'whipper-snapper' in there somewhere too.
He is an old soul trapped in a young man's body.
None the less, he was right. After this photo he bent over the top edge to give us a real nice finished look.
Excellent!, now that part is done, we move on to mounting the bumper. I was charged with getting two 3" stainless 3/8", non hex head bolts for the bumper....and I was successful.....sort of.

I found the bolts, I found a head I was happy with, but they weren't threaded all the way to the head. So grumpy old man and I went to the workshop with the tap and die set. Due to the fact that I messed up on the bolts....I was given the highly important yet somewhat less desirable job of lubrication while Shawn got the job with all the glory.
In the end we were happy with the afternoon. Now it was time to kick back and enjoy a cup of joe.
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