Professionals are like that, they become adept at their trade so, to the layman, it looks easy and straight forward. I am sure to them it is, but in reality to the majority of the population it would be a world of hurt to attempt the job, with very poor results. Thus our fascination with Karaoke. Where the average Joe fueled by a cup or two of courage is encouraged by his/her friends to get up and sing to lyric-less canned music while they sit back and take bets on the likelihood of a train wreck.
I am always one to say "dare to live" and "YOLO" but there are times to jump and there are times to pass on taking the microphone and calmly stay in your seat.
Painting Fillmore is not a time for me to jump up on the stage, I have chosen to let the pros do their work, and so far it looks great.
The driver's bay, only called such because I got some flack for using the term 'cockpit', has been prepped and painted and I must say it's looking pretty slick.

The rest of the exterior is now up for prepping. Chrome removed,side windows removed, front glass removed.
The side panels are getting a really cool material treatment to protect them from the blaster. The material is a 1/16" rubber compound with the backside has a self adhesive surface on it. They will blast the front cap, sides and rear cap, but the roof will have to be hand prepped as it is aluminum.

Truth be told, if I could turn back time (another song from the 80's) I would have skinned Fillmore to the bones then blasted it all, then re assembled with the new panels. But like building a house, until you've done it you can't say how you'd do it differently until after the first time.
There is no turning back now, as he rolls into the tent ready for blast off...
Ground Control to Major Tom
Take your protein pills and put your helmet on
Ground Control to Major Tom (Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six)
Commencing countdown, engines on (Five, Four, Three)
Check ignition and may God's love be with you (Two, One, Liftoff)
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