Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter Weekend

This past weekend has been great, busy.....action packed....full of surprises, but that's what life is isn't it? As the weather turned warm the snow began to melt, the birds started to sing, the animals started to scurry... and the 12 year old with cabin fever felt it was the perfect time to hone their off road unicycle skills. I really don't get it. The kid hasn't touched the thing in 9 months and he hops on it like it is an everyday thing. I guess it like they say it's like riding a bicycle except twice as hard.?

We managed to get the warm weather induced jobs done just in time for the snow....Yep....snow.
Realistically there is snow in the foothills of the Rockies anywhere from mid September to mid July, with a significant risk of a freak snow storm anywhere in between. I really wanted to proceed with some interior design
modifications/fabrications, however mother nature was throwing me a challenge. I need a safe way to run my 220V service to the bus shelter. And my cables (50'+25') need to be joined. About 3/4 of the way out the exposed elements. So after looking around for something to "put over" the union, I came up with a plan. A silly little garbage pail, which I have always thought was a little poor in functional design, all of a sudden is absolutely perfect for the application! I love it when a plan comes together.
This then allowed me to proceed with a little nip/tuck wheel well plastic surgery.
Some special pieces to create the recess needed for the rear facing lounge seating. (formally known as the dinette)

And Viola! Just enough space created to tuck the seat in so we keep as much isle space open as we can. Now if I can just convince Jeff that I can tack weld this into place before he wants to head out to McLean Creek to quad.

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