Tuesday, June 30, 2015

I'm Winston Wolf...

OK perhaps a little gratuitous pop culture reference from my genera, but sometimes I feel like the whole Fillmore process, event, life choice....whatever you want to call it, has always left me feeling like I'm reactive rather than being proactive. Just like Harvey Cartel in Pulp Fiction, I feel that more often than not I can start a blog posting with:
  "I solve problems".

Of course some times we cause the problems and we play clean up as part of the daily routine.

Some messes are an inevitable  product of our life style.  I was campaigning to Michelle that if you never turn off the overhead fan then you'll never see the dust bunnies clinging to the edge of the blades.
Some messes are worth the trouble, like when my kids cook dinner, and all I have to do is supervise with a glass of red.....and then play clean up and do the dishes.
The messes that really irk me are the messes that I created but could have been prevented. Now they are going to consume time that I otherwise wanted/needed for other jobs. Take my decision to leave the protective paper on the sunroof/hatch. The thought was that I would protect the acrylic  during all the work being done on Fillmore.

Little did I know that this stuff doesn't come off easily, especially when it's had it's day(year) or two in the sun....baking the adhesive down to a hard pre-Cambrian amber.

Other messes are products of stupidity. While taking Fillmore out for a spin (picking up Jeff at a buddies place) I decided that I should re connect the wires to the gauges. I could have waited and grabbed the wiring diagram.....but NO! I'm too smart for that! I can remember which wire goes where!

Dumb Ass.

I connected the wrong wire to the oil pressure gauge and fried it.....now I have to play clean up and solve that self made issue.

Here is a pic of me fixing another self made issue. The ceiling panels have pot lights in the bathroom and rear bedroom. But the bathroom fan has to be located in a particular spot(due to an older furnace vent out the top of the bus) A tiny bit more forward thinking on my part before the pot light holes were cut, before the panels were installed would have allowed me to realize I had an overlap of 3/8" between the light fixture and the plastic fan trim. Nothing I couldn't MacGyver my way through but again that's a whack of time sitting and staring at the problem with a pot of coffee.
I would take turns working on or in Fillmore and scraping the window, with a good old Canadian automotive staple.....the ice scraper. Soak in the tub.....scape scape scape.....soak in the tub.....scape scape scape......the finish was a challenge. You can use acetone, varsol, brake cleaner, engine bright, or just about any other adhesive remover on acrylic. BUT! thanks to Michelle, Orange solvent cleaner works magic. Well magic and so much elbow grease that the cloth actually gets hot to the touch from friction.
The day was a hot one, and after getting the hatch cleaned, clear and installed, it was time for a little river magic. Cool water, cool drinks, and the beautiful ladies in my life......Life is Good.

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