So I cut the 3/8" plywood to the panel size I want to allow for a recessed metal reveal.The trim allows for the removal of the fiberglass panel from the plywood base....which gives me retrievable. I know I have to get over that....but being able to remove and service/swap/change....gives me great comfort. I'm glad our society doesn't encourage the same retrievability with marriage, otherwise my wife may have upgraded to a sleeker newer model years ago!
Missing of course are the chrome mounting bolts(dome head...I think...haven't decided fully yet)
To finish off a good morning and make it great, is when my son(now 13) actually asked me to quiz him for his homework! So we made a couple mugs of tea and hunkered in for some guy style studying. For those that don't know what that is it's just like studying but at every opportunity to somehow convert the subject matter into something ridiculous that makes you laugh.....retention of data is waaaaay better!
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