Thursday, April 7, 2016

Get up, get goin',

Motivation is a funny thing. When you have it you're unstoppable.When you loose it, progress slows, passion wanes, and things come to a grinding halt. I hadn't realized it but I was at a standstill. I was using excuses that the family was busy and trips here and there, and work, and my back, my foot,my ribs hurt. In reality I was hesitant to get out to the shop, it would open the wound that my buddy is gone.
But after some reflection.....OK maybe a scotch or two....I realized that thinking like that was dumb, it was time to sh#* or get off the pot. Time to pick myself up, dust myself off and quit rolling around in the ego centric dirt.
So....rear cabinet.I have been stewing about the air conditioner. Ducting the system would distribute the air to various locations but would dramatically lower air flow. The best way to move the air would be to allow it to blow unencumbered. Where it is positioned now the air would simply blow from one side of the back to the other. Essentially creating a freezer in the back and a hot box everywhere else. The unit needs to be re positioned to allow for the air flow to happen straight down the aisle. The best place?....up high....let the cool air fall down. So I designed a cabinet above the rear bench. Storage on either side of a central spot where the air conditioning unit will be re-installed.
In keeping with the theme of rounded corners....  

I got my hands on some 1/4" round 4" radius. It will add a nice touch.
A seemingly simple design...but as you know...
Nothing is quite square, and everything needs a template.
I have a 4x8 sheet of fibrous peg board that has been kicking around the shop for 15 years......yes yes, I'm a pack rat. But it was time to re purpose the sheet.
A nice fit. I then cut access doors for the two storage areas beside the air conditioner new home. Storage will be at a premium! I allowed enough room on the outside edges for speaker installs....when I finally get to that!
It's good to be back in the saddle.

1 comment:

Oh No! Not again!!

You may remember this time last year I found a  wee problem I had been checking things out and found a significant break in my flywheel hous...