My good buddy Trevor's son Mitch came to town this past weekend. He's been road racing on a team based from Victoria over the last 6 months. It was great to see him, a real genuine feel good kinda guy, always smilin'! Anyway, filled with dread that he would kick my butt up and down the mountains, when he came, we went for a mountain bike ride. Both Mitch and my son Jeff were extremely gracious to me. Never once did they tease or mock me at how slow I was, or how loud I was wheezing. They simply would wait at the top of a climb for me to show up, and then quietly wait for the gasping to slow to a quiet rattle in my bronchi, or my 'exercise purr' as I like to refer to it. On one climb in particular Mitch called out from the lead "feel the burn boys!" And a burn it was, slow and steady. Just like the coals in a bonfire, the drama of the flames are gone but the fuel burns slowly and steadily.
When all you see is coals soldering away you don't think a lot is happening, but there is. I seem to be playing a lot with wood these days and like the coals in the fire, I continue to burn through the 'to-do' list, slow and steady. Sometimes it feels like an uphill battle like chasing Mitch and Jeff up a mountain, but progress is made.

Now that the cabinets for the fridge are roughed out. It was time to wire and install the fridge. A seemingly simple task, but required me to splice into the 'coach 2' wiring harness, travel sub floor and then up under the fridge for the 12V source.(the fridge is purely electric but runs off of 12V or 120V if plugged in to shore power.

you may remember last time a good start was made on the "bedside table" we'll call it. Slowly, progress has been made on this front too. It will double as a arm rest for the U shaped chouch that will have drink holders, charging station, and storage drawers.
We had to map out the furnace ducting, which affected the lower drawer design.
With a little help from my friends,I made drawers while
"Hefe" began to hang them in the cabinet.
I get teased by the kids that I have a bit in my mouth like a horse....but it's the best way not to loose my woodworking pencil. My ears are too small and delicate to hold the pencil behind them.....
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