I have been happily puttering away in my workshop....oh yes workshop, that brings up another distraction and unfortunate disappointment. I have been planning a shop on my property, big enough to house the bus, plus a workshop space, man hut, storage etc etc. So the size of the building was, well, significant, so the cost was going to be significant. I was prepared for that. The issues started when we realized I couldn't place the building in the location I wanted on the property because of a set back from the municipal road. So the only reasonable location was beside the house, which had lots of positives in terms of running services, access in and out....you get my drift. But...there is a slope to the land. Which means the engineers had to make sure the frost walls, footings pony walls...whatever they all are called...were strong enough for a building that size. Lets just say we could have built a sky scraper with the amount of concrete and rebar in the plans for this thing. Unfortunately nothing in life is free, and the price tag matched the gargantuan amount of cement. I could justify a cost to a certain point but this was beyond what my conscience would allow.
In the end we are back to the drawing board, trying to think of what I can do to get a structure to protect Fillmore. All this to say that my work time has been shared between that project and this. Now I can focus a little more on this....for now....famous last words!.
Cabinets have been adorned with the hardware...
Doors and drawers reunited...

Now it's time to reunite all the pieces together. A little touch I wanted was power for 'devices' for kids and peoples traveling in the back. I found a funky USB and 110V power pod that I decided to insert into my cabinet top.
Then there was running all the electrical wire through the cabinets, my heart sank each time I had to make Swiss cheese out of the cabinet walls to accommodate furnace ducting, then wire runs...
I try to keep then small and clean
And see the odd beauty of it all
I've still got 'miles to go before I sleep' but things are looking good!
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