Entropy may be understood as a measure of disorder
Ludwig Eduard Boltzman,An Austrian Physicist and philosopher, (wow! there is a career path the guidance councilor didn't talk to me about in high school. )This guy studied the statistical mechanics of atoms, which in coles notes for dummies would kinda explain that all things, if in a ordered state, will eventually degrade to a state of chaos....or what scientists like to call "thermodynamic equilibrium, the state with maximum entropy"!
The change in entropy (ΔS) of a system was originally defined for a thermodynamically reversible process as
Soooooooo, a pictorial way to say this would be, from neat and tidy to:

In very short order!
As most of the ducting work has been handled(note I said most, and by most I mean some)
It was time for me to be a little creative with a two fold problem.
1. I need to run the 120V electical wires to the AC panel.
2. I need to rectify the fact that the seat portion of the rear bench is too deep.
So I am bringing the seat back forward by 4". This will allow a electrical wire chase, as well as solve the seat depth problem, as well as give us some extra storage behind the seat back for blankets and sheets.
It took a few trips up and down from the woodshop to the bus but we eventually got what we were looking for.
I will now bid you farewell for a few weeks as I am off to Guatemala to do some volunteer dental work in some remote areas of the country. Hopefully by the time I return the grass will be showing....or not....at least not as MUCH snow?
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