This year proved to be another busy and fruitful year for the kids. Anna, once again, blew our minds with her commitment and talent on the stage, she truly is radiant when she performs and is able to break through, what in the biz we call, the fourth wall and easily and concretely makes a connection with the audience. This year she rocked it out in front of Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles, cousins her parents and her little string bean nugget (brother) took home a lot of bling and very strong accolades from the judges!
Jeff, although battling some health(back) issues was determined to have as successful of a year on the volleyball court. He demonstrated skill,commitment, team work, and overcame physical and mental challenges to help his team hit the podium once again taking silver in U15 Boys Tier 1.
I think it's probably pretty apparent how proud I am of these kids, they are good students, good athletes and good people...frankly makes me wonder what genetics they got from me.
Needless to say when the choice was between watching ,( I like to think of it as helping-even if it looks like I'm just drinking coffee on the bleachers talking to other parents) or working on the bus. The kids won out.
To complicate matters even more. Jeff has acquired a 1970 Datsun 240Z, and as you can guess...when the choice is between working on my car or his....I tend to prefer to be rubbing shoulders with my boy rather than working solo in Fillmore. Although I did propose we should alternate vehicles but continue to work together!
None the less, the cabinetry moves forward...all be it at a snails pace, we are still making progress.
I redesigned the back rest for the rear bench/bed area. Moving the back support forward and in the process creating some areas for storage.

I'm trying to squeak out as much storage as I can, every nook and cranny, every useable space gets a drawer. I have become very aware that we have another journey to Manitoba right around the corner and I am nowhere near where I wanted to be in terms of level of finish...but as my daughter says when faced with a potential road block stressor......Meh!
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