When I am creating a blog post I often lay out the photos ahead of knowing exactly what I am going to say. I mean this isn't rocket science, it's not like I'm creating a novel. This is nothing more than a pictorial recount of a day in the life of Fillmore and the adventures of the silly humans associated with him...alas I digress... The muse for the writing comes to me as I type, often with a musical soundtrack in the background....yes I mean it's all in my head(which I will agree is somewhat scary) Sometimes the message of the music is deep and profound, and other times it's slap stick literal. So you'll understand why I had a hard time titling this post "You light up my life"

But now that we are on the topic of lights...I decided to go with a bank of LED lights. I was leery because in the gargantuan home reno box store, I'll be honest...I wasn't convinced these were going to be bright enough
But I was wrong...yes I said it, it happens...the four LED lights throw PLENTY of work light.
Now that the workshop roof is complete, I have started to 'store' some things up on the top of the work shop. You know extra bus parts, parts that I have purchased in prep of executing my final vision for the bus, you know that kind of stuff. But while I was up there, the song....."Rain Drops Keep Fallin' on my head" was on a continious loop.... yes literal. yes corny....get over it. It will take some time for the moisture in the shelter to dissipate, the gravel was wet,. it rained prior to installation of the quonset... there is moisture in the air. Sooooooo....
I have to actively move it out...
A simple but seemingly effective solution.
I have to start thinking about, blowing out the water lines in Fillmore before the heavy frost comes.
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