Pieces are coming together, so much so that I sit and stare at things thinking that I am missing a step. But no, the time has come to install some of the long awaited components that I have had squirrelled away in various parts of the house,garage, shop, gym, furnace room, under my bed, well you get the idea. The idiom is "now we're cooking with gas", but in this instance we will not be using
gas but rather diesel fuel!
I love the look on peoples faces when I tell them the cook top in the bus runs off diesel. The look is a combination of confusion and distaste. All they can think of is the smell of grandpa's farm truck and that doesn't bode well for the interior of a bus.
Space is tight, and we have planned for every nook and cranny of space. With some help from Michelle(she is much more willing to come out and help in Fillmore now that it doesn't "
stink like bus") I was able to pretend I was a contortionist and crawl under the counter to mount the cook top ventilation box.
Once that was in place and all the hoses and wires were hooked up, it was time to run the exhaust pipe and cooling duct out through the floor......yep
thru the floor. Now there's a non reversible step that strikes fear in the heart of a guy trying to do everything to not have holes in the project.
But, progress requires commitment and sacrifice....so on wards and upwards for progress.
Of course, because nothing is black and white, cut and dry, I need a hole that is 65mm in diameter for the cooling duct. Now if I HAD a metric hole saw kit this likely wouldn't be an issue....but I have imperial. So the closest I could get was a 2 1/2" hole which is 63.5mm diameter. Thankfully at some point in the past I decided that I needed a sanding drum for my drill....thank be to the hardware store gods.
Everything fits nicely, once the final hook ups are done I can place a high temp silicone to seal the floor, and we should be off to the races!