After a few dry fits, it was time to mount the hardware. Being that nothing is perfectly square and nothings is totally repeatable...every drawer requires it's own personal touch.
After a trim here and a sanding there, I wanted to place some veneer banding on the edges. It just makes the painting and sanding go that much easier. Once all the drawer front edge banding was completed, I give the drawers a healthy coat of filler. Most of the filler I end up sanding off, but it gives the surface a smoother starting point which again makes the painting go a little smoother.
But Nothing ventured...nothing gained.
Once all the mess was cleaned up I was able to install the aluminum edge banding(T molding).
Within seconds, or more aptly put: "inches", of starting to cut the rebate for the edge banding I hit two screws and totally ruined my slot cutter. But I was not only stubbornly optimistic, but perhaps in a little bit of denial as to how bad the blade really was. I'm not so sure I cut the slot in the flooring as much as perhaps I burned the slot into the flooring......
But after all was said and done....and I have to order a new blade for the drivers side.. the molding was in place and now we are ready for the next step!
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