I know this is a blog about working on Fillmore, but I take poetic licence in sharing some Fillmore escapades. Every year I take a few days (more than a few in my wife's eyes) and I travel to my home province of Manitoba to take part in "The Grey Owl" golf tournament. Since the inception of Fillmore it had been part of my plan, my vision to have Fillmore be a part of that annual journey. This year marked the third year of making the trek across western Canada in the bus!
I worked a half day on my last day, had a lunch with the boys from the building and then picked up my father in law at the airport for the trek back to Manitoba
There is always something that makes me smile when I'm driving and the copilot is able to rustle up snacks on the fly!
It also makes me smile when I hand over the reigns to someone else....

And I grab a snooze.... ...or make fresh coffee

The tournament was great, we golfed like chumps, but the company was awesome and the food was(as usual) more plentiful and flavourful than the previous year!
But the trip was not , and seemingly never is, without incident. While enroute a big truck threw up a rock and "BOOM!" My destination window took it right in the kisser!!
Which meant on the way up to the lake before the airport we had to make an emergency stop to get roadside repair supplies. Thank goodness I brought the tools!.....always bring tools!
Mac and I did a decent job, was't super pretty but it was functional and got us home! Chris Kruse saved my butt yet again with a long distance mobile repair service call(thats another story for another time) but he gave me an idea of a more permanent fix.....acrylic!. I owe that man a good bottle of scotch!
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