Last weekend was the inaugural Fillmore Dinner Cruise. For a long time we have been talking about having a parents bus party. But unlike the 18 year olds we needed a more civilised function. So we used the ruse that we were going out for a nice dinner, and why not carpool? We had a fantastic dinner in Canmore at Blake . As much as I would love to take credit for the name and the scrumptious food that was served, my only personal connection to the place is that one of the owners Norm helped build our house 17 years ago!
The rest of the weekend I was able to dabble in some creative finishing ideas for Fillmore. The bathroom theme is New York subway, with some industrial exposed pipe that will run a dual purpose. First to act a a chase to run electrical wires used to control the water pump and tank monitors. Second will be to provide a clever towel rack and toilet paper dispenser!

Running the wire through the pipe wasn't too hard, but I still needed to do it twice before I got all the pieces where they needed to be. Now comes the hard part. I want the wires to be housed in an electrical junction box or control panel. After a tedious online search that turn up a lot of stuff that was close and a plethora of stuff that was totally off base, I decided I needed to make what I see in my mind.
Nothing a little coffee,MDF and permission to make sh#t up as I go along could not handle

I have a favourite little place, called Vintage Wire and Supply that sells quirky and different "stuff" that you can use for something like this! The rough layout looks good, but the junction box is too....well....boxy. I need to soften it up and make it look a little more experienced !
We'll start with a new edge profile...
And then see where that takes us....
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