Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Get your vitamin D fix

It was one of those days, the temp was cool, but the sun was bright and full of joy. The kinda day that when you're working in the shop you wish you were in the sun. So.....I moved the shop out into the sun.
On the docket for today was building cabinetry around the electrical system so that passengers don't feel like they might get electrocuted if they touch the wrong thing.

So I pulled Fillmore out into the sunshine and felt the cool air and the warm sun on my face at the same time.
Once the panels were boxed in I resorted to my fall back technique of cardboard templates
I was just getting to the transfer stage when jeff came to me with a 'project'
Due to the nature of the angles, we decided to try a prototype in Styrofoam first

Then we moved on to the cutting in metal square tube!

While I let the boy play with electricity and molten metal......I moved on to wood again.

Although it took a little back and forth, eventually the cardboard template was transferred to the 1/2" G1S plywood
Obviously not the final look , but its looking better....
And speaking of looking good, Jeff's table was a smashing success!

Monday, February 3, 2020

Cap and wrap

Once the flanges were cut out, I could get a sense of the optics of the set up. Everything looked good! Things are coming together.

What became glaringly obvious is the need to paint. So, using plumbers cement, I glued the flanges onto the caps. Then put a couple coats of primer on, reading the air intake covers for a spray coat.

Although for right project, I really could allow 
myself to sit and watch paint dry....I have other things to do
Reinstalling the cabinet base was job #1

Once that was done I needed to do a little tin bashing and create a little duct from the heater-A/C unit. First was to create a template of the mounting face.
It was a small job....1 3/4" length of the duct to the flange.
In the end I was quite happy with how things turned out.
I think that's a wrap....for now.



Oh No! Not again!!

You may remember this time last year I found a  wee problem I had been checking things out and found a significant break in my flywheel hous...