Where do you start?
How many times have you seen a problem in the world, on the news, in the paper and said "wow, that sucks!" But its not here, its not in your back yard and there for somehow it doesn't seem real. There is no immediate impact on your day to day life so you shrug it off as an unfortunate problem for someone else in the world. That was January, what started as a report of a cluster of pneumonia cases is Wuhan China, now we know this is COVID-19 and this is a world wide Pandemic.
As hard as it is to understand let alone abide by the new social rules, we all must do our part. This for some means the loss of jobs, for some the shutting down and possible loss of their business. For others....the ones on the front lines of our health care system it means going into work everyday taking care of the sick, knowing they are putting themselves and their families at great risk...for the greater good. We all must do our part for the good of us as a global society.
It doesn't mean we cant continue to do the things we love, but it may affect where when and how we do them.
Fortunately for me, in my part of shutting down my business for the greater good, I have plenty to keep me busy.....and it is naturally social distancing too!
So, I will try to bring you up to speed on my journey while I have time on my hands to work and to blog.
After the interior potion of the rear cabinet was complete, the rear potion of the heater box had to be constructed

The final piece of the puzzle was the 'bump out' allowing for the conservation of space and accommodating the fan housing on the heater.
Finally the long procrastinated job is done.
Be safe, be smart, stay healthy!
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