Anna went out with her buds on Canada Day a few weeks back and they did just that, they laughed and loved and goofed around. Anna's girlfriend Poppy( )is a very talented photographer who was part of the gang and she captured the spirit of the day.
So much few words....

While I play with shiny metal, Jeff undertook a job of redoing the exhaust system on his buddy Pete's car with slightly less clean shiny metal. Enlisting the help of Pete and Anna, music blaring, it did my heart good to see the three of them achieving a pretty darn good job.
My trim turned out well as well! Now on to the other side!
Just like I am savoring the moments with the kids, Michelle and I are savoring the opportunity to get out and see our own back yard as well, Nihani Ridge....
And some good together time on Prairie Mountain!
The back of the bus is turning out to be the place to be these days, we even installed the artwork!!