Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Ahhh Newton!

I have been thinking about our good friend Sir Isaac Newton these days. For a few different reasons really, one of which is my daughter and her high school physics. The other is my son and his school. No Jeff is not heavily delving into physics yet but there have been promises made that Fillmore will be ready enough to comfortably escort Jeff and his buddies to their grade 8 farewell. Which is where Newton comes into play.
 Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.

So when I get going, then progress is made, things are getting done...unless I run into the force of time,logic or desire.
Some days I wish there were 32 hours in a day, then I could really get my teeth into things, but the more I get into things the more I realize I need to do things right the first time. Spend time to save time...my desires are logical!

In the last post regarding the rear cabinet you'll notice the sub floor has a "line" across it mid way. That was angle iron that was marked and trimmed to support the floor over the span of the aisle .I had thought I would be happy with the design with the angle iron  showing no profile above or  below the floor  to maximize space and allow for a drawer under the floor. The drawer will happen regardless, but I didn't like the way it looked from above,or the way it felt when I walked on it. The worst part is I knew I wouldn't....but I kept talking myself out of it and saying "It'll be fine...you can change it later." I mean I'm on a deadline!

In the end, I have a more stable floor, better aesthetics, and I only loose 3/4" in "yet to be constructed" drawer depth.
Now I'm going to fly past Newtons second Law because it has to do with Force and my mass....and I haven't been to terrible active these days so I'm sensitive about my coveralls making my mass look big.So...
Newtons Law #3

III. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

So I changed the floor supports...fine, no harm done. But then Mr smartie pants decided that I needed to change out the flooring piece as well...because it was logical to do it now. Here's the unforeseen problem. The temporary floor boards were just that, meant to be temporary. But with time and distraction I forgot that there was a mathematical problem to the boards as well. They were 5/8" thick. The rest of the flooring is 3/4"thick. The rear bench was constructed with the support legs resting on the 5/8" flooring. When I changed out the flooring under the supports. The bench is now 1/8" higher that the side boxes that sit on the unchanged flooring. By placing sub floor supports I caused a chain reaction that made the side boxes too low.

Now I had to rise to the occasion you might say...
(or you might not because of the lameness of the pun)

At fist I thought I would have to hand craft the rounded edge. Multiple pieces were cut, glues and brad nailed.
Until I realized I had the materials and the tools....so the remaining box was easy.

The first one turned out just fine, good contour and strength, but a wee bit more time consuming!

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