OK, premature yes, but this brings us one step closer to music and lets face it. No matter where you are, who you are, or what the situation is. Culturally if there is a chance for a musical expression of the situation we understand it better, we enjoy it more, it hurts less, whatever....music just makes it better.
So, get to work young man and let the music play forth....
But the old adage, check and re-check, and re-check again worked well for me this time. I am happy with the result.

Now, I could just screw the speakers into the cabinet, but the speaker guy strongly suggested (actually he said if I didn't I might as well throw the money away) that I build speaker boxes for the backside of the speaker. This was half the sound isn't lost into the cabinet and absorbed by whatever we have stored in there.Of course, my quasi obsessive compulsive personality required that I stay true to the general theme of construction and round any edges I could.
You'll have to look hard to see them...but they are there. And that's another check put in the finished column.
A poor picture because of the front lighting, but now it's time to turn my attention to the front cabinet.
A bit of a challenge as the top edge had to be scribed like every profile against the ceiling, but the back edge had to be beveled as well at 45 degrees! As well the existing speaker holes in the metal facing had to be enlarged.
My trusty skill saw was my weapon of choice. It pushed through my beveled cuts, and with a change of blade to a metal cutting bit it trudged through the metal....well some of the metal. This saw is 20 years old. One of my first workshop additions. But when I was cutting through the plywood, I could hear it slip here and there. As I cut through the metal....I could smell the motor. Then in a puff of black smoke, it belched it's last breath in my face, and promptly stopped.
Thankfully I had my mini reciprocating saw that I had for sheet metal work, so I pulled it out from the depths of the tool box and the progress machine marched on.
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