Thursday, July 21, 2016

cabinet construction

The last time we left off, I had just gotten set up for the third time to work on cabinet construction, installing the fridge to be exact, when my jig saw calved. I was soooooooo frustrated. But I vowed to make lemonade from the situation. And lemonade being yellow......

I went to RONA and looked over my options. I kept coming back to the cordless jig saw. I liked the feel of it, I could easily see the blade from multiple angles during use....AAAANNND I already have multiple cordless DeWalt tools all using the 18V system, so it was a no brainer. As soon as I got home it was time to get to work. I had scribed the wall contour before the jigsaw fail so I could dive right in and see if I had made a mistake or not. "Survey says?".....winner winner chicken dinner! I love this thing!
Now that I had the wall surface scribed I could move on to the horizontal pieces, which were rebate joints. First job was to router the vertical wall
This is just like dentistry, the actual procedure doesn't take long, the real time is prepping the work piece and making sure you only cut once, 'cause if you need to cut's called a mistake.

A lovely 3/4" (18mm) rebate, nothing like a good clean crisp edge to make a guy happy.

After a 'few' hours, the left side of the fridge cabinet was done, after a fresh brew of coffee, I decided to get one more thing done. It was time to cut furnace ducting access holes. The jig saw cut through it like a hot knife through butter.......I should have listened to myself.....

Like a HOT KNIFE through butter......what part of HOT did I not understand?

Yes, after very slowly and methodically cutting two beautiful, and mighty round I must say, holes through 3/4" ply. I was so happy with myself that I grabbed the blade to remove it from the saw. The thing had gotten so darn hot it tempered the blade, and left a nasty burn on my left thumb pad. You can even see the shape of the teeth from the blade.
Bone head award goes to?........

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