So life changes at the drop of a hat. Just when you think you have everything planned out....fate alters the chain of events. And that's OK! Whether we are talking about doing poorly on a school test, or executing what you feel is a sub par performance on stage, or not living up to your expectations/desires on the sport court. Not achieving your desired result despite your intention could be argued to be fate. Now there is a whole other philosophical discussion about fate. Whether we have influence on our fate, or whether despite our actions we would end up to where the universe has fated us to be....but that is waaaaaay to deep for this blog today. Suffice to say that our immediate reality is, whether by mistake or purposeful design, the fate of our recent history.....clear as mud?.....good! As I told my son recently, "It's not whether you make a mistake, we all make mistakes! How you handle your adversity(perceived failure) is what defines you as a person." For me, I recently had to cancel a pleasure trip to Deloraine for some hedonistic golf, the reasons were sound and important and without reproach. The extreme positive(for me) was I got to take Jeff and his buddy to a beach volleyball tourney in Sylvan Lake, Fillmore.
For Jeff and Oog(what an awesome nickname) they lost in the B side final. They were disappointed in their placement but they handled it with class and I was so proud of them for what they did achieve and how they carried themselves.They are champs in my heart.And they slept like champs all the way home from the day of sun, and, and vball!
The next day I found myself all alone. Michelle and Anna were in Manitoba, Jeff and Oog went to Jasper for a week long Vball camp. The day started with blue sky, so I set up for a day of work outside. Then is started to rain. So I moved all the tools inside and backed Fillmore into the shelter. Then the sky cleared and it was gorgeous. So I moved everything back outside, then it rained. For a split second I was furious.....

And then I heard my own lecturing voice to Jeff:
"It's not whether you make a mistake, we all make mistakes, how you handle adversity(perceived failure) is what defines you as a person."
Although you could say this wasn't my mistake, my reaction is within my control. Throw my hand up and say "not today!"? No sir.
Time to be creative..... turn the garage into an outdoor work area!
Until my (relatively) new jig saw BREAKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Breathe.....breathe........look for the good.......look for the good......
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