It's always been, brush or roller? What is going to get you the best coverage and the best finish. Well I decided that I would try both. I used roller and brush. Both had pros and cons but bottom line was.....neither. The brush left brush marks that either you had to put the paint on so think to allow slumping of the paint to "fill the stokes" or your left with seeing the brush strokes and they are not 100% perfectly parallel. So brush was a fail. Roller was more economical on paint but the finish was bumpy. Not bad but I wanted smoooooooth like my face after a close shave with a new blade. So I sanded everything down using a 600grit wet dry sand paper and then....
I took the plunge
Years ago I bought a really cheap spray gun, I did no research on technique, and then got tremendously frustrated when it didn't work worth a hoot. So this time I bought a decent gun....not over the top....but it had me at
"DeWalt". Then thoroughly educated myself on Utube and asked a plethora of questions at Benjamin Moore.

After prepping the pieces and setting up in our not so down draft hermetically sealed paint booth, Jeff got first dibs
I though roller application was I painted a whole lot more with the spracy gun using a fraction of the paint needed for rolling.
And the finish was smooooth and shiny!
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