Monday, February 8, 2016

Ground Hog Day!!

It's funny how we are influenced by pop culture. Last week was Groundhog day and all I could think of was Bill Murray in the 1993 movie with the same title. How often do we as adults feel like  weeks fly by because each day seems to blend into the next, You wake up one day and the kids are getting their drivers licence and talking about university!

So I make the best of each day that I can. I do what I love and love what I do. Sometimes that means I have bus time, sometimes that means I'm watching dance or volleyball, and sometimes that means I'm just hangin' making dreamy eyes at my sweetheart (she LOVES it when I do that)
I finally put the finishing touches on the interior panels. A couple of panels require additional fastening for aesthetics and stability. The addition of the various layers of isulation and vapour barrier required modification of the interior window wells. I left myself some "tabs" so if I needed to attach to them I could. And I did, so I did, but I didn't.....make sense?

not all tabs are created equal....or more aptly put not all tabs are cut the same.

The process is, I put the panel in place and then drill where I want the bolt. Usually it works.

But usually is not always. There were a couple of tabs where the bolt hole didn't centre on the tab. Where I wanted the hole and where there was space for the hole weren't necessarily the same.

So we improvise. The tab needed to be we made it longer! Simple!

Next was the passenger wheel well

It's like deja vu all over again, I've been here before

Although this picture was taken before I finished the final passenger side front panel position, it gives you a taste of where we are. Next I move to the back. Application of sound deadening material over the rea wheel wells, then overhead compartment, then bench, then....then.... then....

Oh No! Not again!!

You may remember this time last year I found a  wee problem I had been checking things out and found a significant break in my flywheel hous...