Wednesday, June 26, 2019

June is for Golf

June is the month that I am usually scrambling around trying to get Fillmore ready for his big road trip of the season. This year was no different, fortunately, unlike last year, I remembered just about everything I needed to bring, including my golf clubs!
I was very fortunate to be accompanied on the majority of the journey by my co-worker partner in crime Leanne. We worked the morning then grabbed some coffee and hit the road meeting her parents in Indian Head Sask.

I was thankful for the company, I'm not sure Leanne knew exactly what she was in for...especially when we stopped for gas. She got out and I bee lined  around the back side of the bus to fuel up leaving her stranded to face all the onlookers and subsequent questions of who, what, when, where ,why and let me tell you about my bus story! She didn't know what hit her!

After I dropped Leanne off with her Mom and Dad, I was feeling good so I decided to press on. In the back of my mind I really was thinking of going the distance to Deloraine.
But as the sun began to set, and I started to loose my energy and the likelihood of hitting deer started to rise significantly. I decided to pull over and call it a night
I knew I had time in the morning, mead and supper makings in the fridge
And a movie on my computer that I could pipe into the TV. So I called her quits and enjoyed some down time.
In the morning I had a leisurely start with lots of coffee and classical music on CBC

The afternoon found me golfing in Deloraine, one of my favorite places to be.
The grass was green, the wind was firm and the company was excellent!
More than I can say about the company at The Grey Owl....
Seriously we had a great gold weekend.

Punctuated by an absolutely fantastic wedding of  very dear friends Tammy and Kevin, who graciously asked Michelle and I to sing at the service

The rest of the weekend was a lot like this....sitting, drinking, telling lies, watching basketball and hockey. This year we brought our very own art work!(thank you Adele Sinclair)

Oh No! Not again!!

You may remember this time last year I found a  wee problem I had been checking things out and found a significant break in my flywheel hous...