Saturday, December 5, 2015

The busted knuckle

 I love this thing, Randy and Leslie were out and about when they saw this metal sign.....and thought of me. Some things are truer than life itself.
 Today was a rare day, 3 out of 4 of us had no commitments....aside from getting the 4th one to dance...and as such we were able to play at home. Which for me meant I could spend the greater part of the day with Fillmore.
 The panel project continues. Remove, re-cut, replace.repeat. I was sidelined last week when the pneumatic rivnut gun broke down. The threaded mandrel was damaged. I thought it was marred threads, so I spent time restoring them only to find it still didn't work. After playing some email tag with the manufacturer I found out that the piece I needed to replace (a grade 8-1/4"x  2" NC hex head) didn't need to be manufacturer specific, which meant I could get it just about anywhere.
 So on with the show! More cuts and test fits, which means I got lots of exercise walking up and down the hill to my shop!
 After a great day, the paneling was complete....well as complete as anything really gets. You know how it is. You take a step forward and then the next job forces you to back track a little to reconfigure things. I know that at some point in the (hopefully) not to distant future I will be removing some of these panels to modify or attach something to.
 Speaking of a step backwards....there is trouble in paradise again.....

The rear heater core is leaking coolant. I made damn good and sure that all the connections were tight, but I discovered a pool of trouble. It was a slow leak but it made a mess. Looking closer at the problem I realized that the leak was not coming from a hose clamp but rather a fixture that is designed to allow movement(a swivel it appears), but it is leaking from the swivel itself. So I may need to replace the part. Being that it is only a few months old, a quick call to Polar Mobility got me in to see them first thing Monday. Which means a drop off Sunday and I will have to figure out a pick up time.
Good thing I like to Dance

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Oh No! Not again!!

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