Monday, November 14, 2011

There are worse ways...

Perhaps it's because I am learning in a field that I have little previous experience in, but when things go as planned I get quite the euphoric feeling. Take today for example. I was done a few minutes early at lunch time so I decided to make a quick run down to a place called 'Greenline Hose and fittings'. I've done business with them before and have always found them to be very helpful. Today I was going in with a simple request, I had previous tranny line cooler hose in hand and I needed a new one....just longer. The assumption, on my part, was I would drop it off and come pick the new one up in a day or two. Well I was pleasantly surprised when the guy just looked at me and said..."'K gimmie a sec.'. 10 min. later he walks in with the new hose, Impressive! Maybe that is industry standard but I was sure pleasantly surprised.
The next challenge was I had the two ends for the air compressor from the engine and the bulkhead. I handed him the two pieces and said "This is my air line from the engine... I need to connect this to that!"
He stared at them for a second, then looked at me,then at the pieces...(moment of truth...)
"K, gimmie a sec'."

Once again, I was surprised and happy, in under 20 min, I was back on the road with all my pieces in hand.!! There are worse ways to spend a lunch hour.


  1. Man, I hope to find as helpful people as you have when mine goes under the knife! I am almost caught up in reading your blog. Read 2009/10 last night and hopefully catch up on 2011 tonight. You have been the inspiration I needed to get mine going :) Looking at a motor and trany today so fingers crossed!

  2. Good luck!...I find it extremely rewarding, don't wait...jump in!

  3. I am dude. Buying a motor and trans Saturday if all goes well! Started my blog also at if you'd like to check it out. I'm sure I'll have some questions coming for you soon also. :)


    picking up the motor on Saturday!


Oh No! Not again!!

You may remember this time last year I found a  wee problem I had been checking things out and found a significant break in my flywheel hous...